Why print brochures when your customers can glance your projects and products online with full details and also have an option to Print?
arkloop solutions® offers Electronic brochure design services from India that can create a page turning effect, which will give the potential client the effect of paging through real brochure or your product catalogues.
With 80% of businesses now on-line or with high speed access to the internet, allow your clients to reach a much broader client base and also saves your costly mailings as well. Online processing can be integrated, allowing you to securely provide your clients with own electronic computerized product catalog for your company.
With the feature and module which arkloop designs and develops for you, which you can yourself update the text and products into the Electronic brochures by simply changing the text or images of your product, without having enormous costs involved. (This will immediately help you for internet marketing of your companies newly developed product)
E-Brochure Features developed by arkloop solutions

- Page turning" digital E-brochures giving it the look and feel of a real brochure
- Print Button for printing one page or the entire brochure
- Create unlimited web links to your website, so that the viewer can link through to your website, by clicking on the link
- Button for the viewer to email the Electrnic brochure-catalogue to anyone.
- Back and Next buttons for easy navigation for the Electronic brochure – catalogue.